Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Passion Fruit Bubble Tea


Sugar - 1/4 cup

Tapioca pearls - 1 cup
Passion Fruit juice - 1/4 cup
Black tea - 2 cups chilled
Ice cubes - Few


1) Steep Tea for 12mins and refrigerate it until chill.

2) In a pan, Dissolve sugar in 2 tbsp of water and make sugar syrup. Keep it aside.
3) Boil 5 cups of water. Once at a rolling boil, add tapioca pearls. Cook on high heat for twenty-five minutes. Stir Continuously.
4) Turn off flame and keep it covered for 20 minutes
5) Drain and rinse with cold water. 
6) Add this to the jar with sugar syrup and let sit to soak up the sugars while you make the passionfruit tea.
7) Strain the pulp from the Passion fruit to get the juice or run in a blender for a few seconds to get the juice.


1) Take a Glass,  Add 1 Tbsp of Cooked Boba with sugar syrup

2) Pour passion fruit juice and Black Tea on top and serve immediately.


1) Add ice cubes if necessary

2) Sugar syrup can be substituted with Maple or Agave syrup.
3) Passion fruit juice can also be made in cubes and added.
4) Sugar can also be dissolved when steeping Tea.

Boba / Tapioca Pearls

Cooked Tapioca Pearls

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