Friday, October 31, 2014

Cashew pistachio roll - Variation 2


Cashew powder - 1 cup
Cane sugar - 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar - 1/4 cup
Milk - 3 tbsp
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Pistachio powder - 1/2 cup
Silver wark - optional
Ghee - 1 tbsp


1) Roast cashew and pistachio separately and make powder of it.
2) In a pan add cane sugar and 3 tbsp of milk. Let it boil until the sugar is dissolved and you get 1 thread syrup (the syrup must form a ball in water as soon as dropped).
3) Add the cashew powder now and make it in the form of dough.
4) Take a bowl and add Pistachio powder, 1/4 cup of sugar, cardamom powder with some milk and mix it to a dough.
5) Now apply some ghee on a rolling pin and roll cashew dough. roll Pistachio dough in a cylindrical form and keep it on a rolled cashew. close the cashew dough on the Pistachio dough to cover it to get the stuffing.
6) Cut them into desired length. 

Cashew pistachio roll is ready to be served.

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